For the past several weeks, my most popular search terms have been Spider, Spiders and Pictures Spiders. Obviously, I’m not showing enough spiders. I hear you, readers. You want more arachnids. By popular demand, here are you pics with exciting bits of information:
The jumping spider can jump up to 50 times its length … right into the back of your shirt.
Next time you walk into a spiral shaped web, you can thank the Orb-Weaver spider. Then, for the next 20 minutes, swear something’s crawling on you.
Despite its name, the Goliath Bird Eater doesn’t actually eat birds. It prefers children.
The Brown Recluse spider loves shoes, bedsheets and placing people in comas.
The belief is after the Black Widow mates, she eats the male. It’s not true, she has a cigarette.
All the Hobo Spider wants a warm meal and place to sleep … preferably your ear.
The Mouse Spider can dig a burrow up to one foot deep. The female spider stays in the burrow. The male leaves to search for another mate. He’s known as The Jackass of the species.
While it’s web is not very sticky, it makes up for it by running fast … up your pant leg.
by Irritated Tulsan